Veterinarian Wellness Clinic Services

Strut Your Pup has been a staple of pet care in the community since 2010. We are happy to offer our space to local veterinarians that will be offering wellness services at Strut Your Pup. Wellness services consist of vaccines, heartworm test, fecal test, Flea and Tick preventative, blood test, urine test, and wellness check ups.
Clinic Hours Every Other Friday 9am -2pm

Strut Your Pup is glad to have veterinarians using our space to offer affordable wellness services to the community. Our goal is to provide access, educate the public, and make the routine cost of pet preventative care more affordable for new and current pet parents.

Veterinarian Wellness Clinic ServicesNEXT CLINIC DATE FRIDAY, January 31, 2025
9 AM - 2PM